

These systems are ideal for light commercial applications in larger open areas, where long service life and strong cooling performance with energy efficiency is essential.

SKYAIR COMMERCIAL SYSTEMS  There are 46 products.


  • FAQ_PVJU Wall-Mounted Unit

    Daikin’s FAQ wall mount SkyAir systems feature streamlined indoor units in both cooling only and heat pump models. Sleek and sophisticated in appearance, these indoor units feature automated louvers and distribute airflow throughout the space equally and efficiently to deliver absolute comfort.

  • DC Ducted Built-in Concealed...

    Daikin’s FBQ DC Duct systems offer a powerful solution, compact in design and easily concealed in a ceiling. With both cooling only and heat pump applications, SkyAir is the ultimate solution for large bonus rooms, restaurants, shops, offices, data rooms and other light commercial projects up to 2,500 square feet

  • Round Flow Cassette FCQ_PAVJU

    Daikin’s FCQ roundflow cassette SkyAir systems are ideal for open plan applications where variances in temperature and airflow can cause discomfort. Fitting virtually flush within false ceilings, this indoor unit features 23 configurable airflow patterns for customizable comfort.

  • Ceiling Suspended Unit FHQ_M/PVJU

    Daikin’s FHQ ceiling suspended SkyAir systems are ideal for applications without false ceilings. Installed from the structure, this indoor unit is designed for all around maximum efficiency, delivering full capacity at ceiling heights up to 12.5 ft.

  • Inverter Ducted Air Handling Unit...

    The Daikin Inverter Ducted Heat Pump is a cost effective alternative to traditional gas furnace/AC systems. Daikin Inverter Ducted systems provide 100% heating capacity when the outside temperature is as low as 14°F (systems can operate in heating mode down to 0°F), making them cheaper to run than traditional heat-pump systems in most climates.

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Showing 1 - 18 of 46 items
Showing 1 - 18 of 46 items